Chante Avec Moi 100 Chansons- Fichiers Audio Téléchargeables

Chante Avec Moi 100 Chansons- Fichiers Audio Téléchargeables

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All the songs from the book Chante avec moi 100 chansons
in downloadable version

The «Chante avec moi 100 chansons» audiobook brings together the best nursery rhymes and songs from our childhood. Make your little ones sing and dance to the notes of classics such as"Il y a des crocodiles", "Frère Jacques" et "Une souris verte". Download the audio files from the CD included in the book Chante avec moi.


  • 100 downloadable songs


  • Drive files, downloadable to all devices
  • From the book Chante avec moi
  • Designed and produced in Quebec
  • Performers:Various
  • French songs

* Note that the songs are offered free of charge for all users of the Spotify music platform. Please click here.


Pomango is a Sherbrooke company that promotes family well-being, healthy relationships and balanced family life. Constantly evolving, Pomango offers products and tools for parents so that they can support their children in gaining and developing their autonomy and skills.

All products and actions taken by Pomango are based on the following values: Fun, Family, Creativity, Passion and Balance.

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